Fairy Tales on DVD

The ARD recently produced new adaptions of the brothers Grimm’s classic fairy tales. The films were shot at romantic castles and in enchanted forests all over Germany. The result was a series of magical fairy tale films.
Schools can borrow the movies from our archive. Just drop us an email with your name, date of planned screening, school address and of course the movie of your choice.
List of movies available:
- Cinderella (Aschenputtel)
- The Wishing Table (Tischlein deck dich)
- Mother Hulda (Frau Holle)
- The Brave Little Tailor (Das Tapfere Schneiderlein)
- Snow White (Schneewittchen)
- The Town Musicians of Bremen (Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten)
- Rapunzel (Rapunzel)
- Puss in Boots (Der gestiefelte Kater)
- Sleeping Beauty (Dornröschen)
- The Frog King (Der Froschkönig)
Additional resources on fairy tales can be found on our dedicated website with interactive online games, teaching resources and more information on fairy tales.
Find out more about the film production, film locations and contents in the rbb archive.
In addition the Goethe-Institut London is offering a touring fairy tale poster exhibition for Schools. You can find more information here.