Presentation Translation Pitch

European Literature Festival European Literature Festival

Thu, 09.06.2016

6:30 PM - 8:00 PM

Free Word Centre

Ulrike Almut Sandig's 'Thick Of It'

The Translation Pitch is back! New literary voices with PEN Presents - six enthralling books by contemporary European writers which have not yet been translated into English will be pitched live at Free Word on Thursday 9 June. 

As a part of the 2016 European Literature Festival (ELF) series, six translators will go head-to-head, pitching their must-acquire European books to a live audience and a jury of top publishing experts: Max Porter (Granta/Portobello), Meike Ziervogel (Peirene Press) and Stefan Tobler (And Other Stories).

This whirlwind tour of contemporary European writing will uncover brilliant books from Italy (Ilva Fabiani’s The Long Night of Anna Alrutz), the Netherlands (Kristien Dieltiens’ Cellar Child), Spain (Antonio Orejudo’s A Brief Respite), Germany (Ulrike Almut Sandig’s Thick of It), Turkey (Ahmet Yorulmaz’s Children of War) and France (Catherine Dufour’s A Taste for Immortality) which have not yet been translated into English.

Translators taking part are Antoinette Fawcett, Paula Darwish, Karen Leeder, Emma Mandley, Sam Nagele and James Womack.

We are delighted that Karen Leeder will be presenting Ulrike Almut Sandig's Thick of It.

+++Karen Leeder has won this year's Translation Pitch+++

‘PEN Presents’, an initiative by English PEN, seeks to help UK publishers to discover – and publish – the most exciting books from around the world, and to support literary translators in their development as advocates for international literature. 
Multi award-winning writer, translator and academic Karen Leeder has taught German at New College, Oxford since 1993 and is Professor of Modern German Literature there. Her translations include, amongst others, ten volumes of prose which have appeared over the last decade, including Bertolt Brecht and Wilhelm Schmid. Her translation of Schmid’s High on Low won four prizes in the USA.
Ulrike Almut Sandig, born in Großenhain (GDR) in 1979, is a German writer and poet. She started publishing her poetry by pasting poems onto lamp posts in Leipzig and spreading them on flyers and free post cards. She has been invited to many international literary festivals and exchanges and has also been granted a literary residency in Helsinki and Sydney. Her fiction and poetry has been widely acknowledged.

Organised by EUNIC London and the Czech Centre, in partnership with English PEN and Free Word, as part of the 2016 European Literature Festival.
