Film In The Middle Of Germany: NSU “The Investigators – For Official Use Only”

NSU Die Ermittler © Still: NSU - The Investigators, Director: Florian Cossen

Tue, 17.04.2018

6:45 PM - 8:20 PM

One of the main questions that has arisen from the case of the NSU murders is why it took more than a decade to connect the crimes with the neo-Nazi scene in Germany, especially since most of them were carried out with the same weapon. There was the problem of different local police units separately investigating the temporarily and geographically spread out murders, of which all but one were committed in West German states, on the one hand and the failure of the police in the East German state of Thuringia, where the NSU formed, to capture its members. It is the reason for this failure that Forian Cossen’s film explores showing an investigation hampered by incompetence as well as differences within the police and particularly between the police and the German domestic intelligence service (Verfassungschutz). The latter’s efforts to control the neo-Nazi scene through a network of informers which they tried to maintain secret has been one of the most controversial aspects of the NSU case alongside the prejudiced investigations of the West German police.
Germany 2015 / 16, colour, 92 mins. With English subtitles.
Director: Florian Cossen. With Florian Lukas, Liv Lisa Fries, Sylvester Groth, Florian Stetter, Alexander Beyer, Martin Baden, Christian Kuchenbuch.

This screening is part of the series The NSU Trilogy – In the Middle of Germany.

Please note earlier start time: 6.45pm.

