Film The Case You

The Case You © Alison Kuhn

Sun, 30.01.2022

3:30 PM

Belmont Filmhouse

Alison Kuhn | Germany 2020 | 80 min | German with English subtitles

Five actresses spend a few days together in a theatre hall. They are all in their twenties and took part in a casting over four years ago, during which there were systematic assaults of a sexual and violent nature.

Alison Kuhn was also one of the applicants at the time. Like many of her colleagues, she tried to forget that day as quickly as possible. However, since the director who led the casting continued the abuse by editing his own film from the filmed material, a legal dispute is currently burning between the production company and the actresses. Hardly anything has been made public.

In the protected space, the women are now breaking their silence and exploring together what happened back then and what the events mean for their present.

