Reading & Discussion Group Workshop with Stella Rooney

Archival film showing workers leaving the factory © Harun Farocki GbR

Thu, 23.02.2023

6:00 PM - 7:30 PM GMT

Cooper Gallery - Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design

Detail from Workers Leaving the Factory (Harun Farocki, 1995)

Living Machines

Referencing French philosopher Jacques Rancière’s seminal text Nights of Labour which examines 19th-century factory workers’ poetry, letters, newspapers and journals, artist Stella Rooney will lead a reading and discussion workshop to consider historical and contemporary working-class cultural expression.

Channelling Harun Farocki’s film Georg K. Glaser – Writer and Smith (1988) featured in the exhibition Harun Farocki: Consider Labour at Cooper Gallery, the workshop brings centre stage the precarious nature of labour implicit in the gig economy and the resurgence of mass strikes across Britain today.

Please register via Eventbrite.
