Workshop Hip Hop! Can't Stop! Won't Stop!

Eight children and adults practising Hip Hop moves together in a cypher CC BY-SA 2.0pg

Sat, 28.10.2023

12:30 PM - 3:00 PM BST

Goethe-Institut Glasgow

"Hip Hop History (8)" by San José Public Library (CC BY-SA 2.0 license).

Dance Workshop

Hip Hop turns 50 this year and so does the Goethe-Institut Glasgow!

This dance workshop by dancer Kemono L. Riot explores Hip Hop as a space for dialogue and exchange, and as a culture and way of relating to the world. Hip Hop emerged in the South Bronx from the ashes of a shattered social system to forge resilience and solidarity within the Black community but also across racial and class divides and across borders. Through the forms, we learn histories.

This workshop will introduce some basic moves in an easy and relaxed way. And you’ll have a chance to practise your moves to some Hip Hip music from Germany.

Open for all levels.
