Translation reading / discussion group Translation Theory Lab with Sinéad Crowe

Translation Theory Lab Free for commercial use

Wed, 19.06.2024

6:30 PM - 8:00 PM BST


Translation Diaries

The Translation Theory Lab is free and open to all translators, near and far, working in any language pair, who have an interest in the background questions, the theory and ethics of translation.

Join us for our bi-monthly translation workshop, open to anyone interested in discussing the ethics of and possible approaches to literary translation.

In the first half of 2024, we will be discussing some of the translation diaries published by Toledo – translators for cultural exchange: you can read all of the translation diaries shared in English here. Links to the diaries being discussed will be shared in advance of the session via our mailing list, and we would ask you to read and reflect on the journals specified in preparation for the sessions.

The discussion group takes place online via Zoom from 6.30pm to 8.00pm, and is free to attend.

In our session in June we will be joined by guest speaker Sinéad Crowe.

Sinéad Crowe © Norbert Seekircher
Sinéad comes from Dublin. After completing a PhD in German theatre at Trinity College Dublin and working for several years as a lecturer in German Studies, she moved to Hamburg, where she began her career as a translator. Her translations include Ronen Steinke’s Fritz Bauer: The Jewish Prosecutor Who Brought Eichmann and Auschwitz to Trial and Pierre Jarawan’s The Storyteller, a co-translation with Rachel McNicholl. Sinéad Crowe also teaches English at the University of Hamburg’s Institute of English and American Studies.


New members are asked to register on Eventbrite ideally at least three days prior to the event, in order to be included in our mailing list for reading material.
Please note: Those already on the mailing list do not have to register again.
You might also be interested in our Translators’ Stammtisch which focuses on practical translation questions and discusses participating translators’ translation projects-in-progress.
