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German language course with online component

Blended Learning (combined learning): A combination of face-to-face classes and an online learning platform

Illustration einer Lerngruppe mit mehreren Teilnehmern

Alternating between 50% face-to-face lessons and 50% additional online learning with the learning plattform will help you achieve your goals. You'll practice all the skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking!

How it works

Studying from the learning platform
50% of the course takes place on the Goethe-Institut's online learning platform. Participants work on individual and group tasks in reading, listening comprehension, and writing. The instructor closely monitors progress and provides personalized feedback.
During the online phases, participants work independently on interactive tasks, videos, exercises, and written assignments, which are regularly reviewed by the teacher. The online learning component prepares students for the face-to-face classes, helping them to improve speaking and comprehension skills.

In-person classes at the Goethe-Institut
The other half of the course consists of face-to-face meetings at the Goethe-Institut, where participants engage in interactive lessons led by an experienced teacher. These sessions provide valuable opportunities to enhance speaking skills and deepen the material covered on the learning platform.
The in-person sessions focus on communication and practical exercises, providing direct feedback and personal interaction.

The combination of online and in-person learning ensures the most effective learning outcomes.
  • Level

  • Start
    Once per trimester

  • Duration
    12 weeks

  • Hours per week

  • Total scope
    60 units á 60 Minutes

  • Participants
    max. 16

  • Course location
    Goethe-Institut, 1092 Budapest, Ráday u. 58.

  • Access to learning platform
    during the course + 1 month afterward

  • Price
    HUF 130 000

Test Our Courses

Take a closer look at what learning German with our online platform looks like. We have a range of demo versions for both beginners and advanced learners.

Schnupperkurse Ungarn

Begrüßung © puhhha/ Shutterstock

Trial Chapter A1 Start Your First Steps – Hallo wie geht‘s

Here you will learn  the times of the day, how to greet someone in German and how to introduce yourself.

Fruits, vegetables and berries © marilyn barbone / Adobe Stock

Trial Chapter A1 Eating and drinking - Ein Kilo Äpfel, bitte

Here you will learn words about food and drink and how to express quantities when out shopping.

A waiter directs a young couple to their table in the restaurant.

Trial Chapter A2 At the restaurant - Guten Appetit

Here you will learn how to order in the restaurant, how to ask for the bill and how to tip.

Online placement test

Test your german
Are you taking one of our German courses for the first time? The placement test enables us to find out what previous knowledge you have, define a learning objective and help you select an appropriate course.

