dramatized reading
The Play

Das Schauspiel - Poster
© Goethe-Institut / Tamaasha

Play: Going to the Sea, Play with Child (Englisch), Reading directed by Sukant Goel

Library MMB

Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhaven Mumbai and Studio Tamaasha have collaborated to produce a series of bi monthly dramatized readings of contemporary German plays titled ‘Das Schauspiel’. Each of these script readings will be directed by young theatre directors from Mumbai under mentorship of veteran theatre director Sunil Shanbag.
The first play to be read under this series is "Familie Kern fährt ans Meer, Stück mit Kind (Going to the Sea, play with child) by Simon Froehling. It is directed by Studio Tamaasha’s artist-in-residence Sukant Goel.
About the play:
Family Kern wants nothing more than life to go back to how it used to be when the family wasn't really one, but just a bunch of friends sharing a flat. When the Big Bore hadn't set in and Baby hadn't arrived yet. But now Baby has to go, even if Baby seems to be the only thing keeping the fragile family structure from breaking apart. Because Family Kern has realised that they tried to fill their all too empty lives with something they can't cope with after all.
About Simon Froehling:
Born in 1978 in Switzerland of an Australian mother and Swiss father, Simon Froehling moved to Australia in 1996 to finish his Senior Studies at St Peters Lutheran College in Brisbane. Since returning to Switzerland in 2000, he has published a range of poetry and prose in magazines and anthologies in Switzerland and Germany, and has won various prizes for these. In 2002, his first audio-play, 'The Telephone Massacre', was broadcast through SWR 2, a major German radio station. Simon has written a number of plays, among them 'Double Take', for the City Theatre of Zurich's youth club, 'Going to the Sea' (Vorstadt-Theatre, Basel), 'Enemy Material' (Theatre Biel/Solothurn) and 'Feverchild', for which he won a major Swiss playwriting award.


Library MMB

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Kala Ghoda