
Amar Sindhu

Amar Sindhu
Amar Sindhu

Photo: Goethe-Institut / Madiha Aijaz
Amar Sindhu is a Sindhi writer and Professor with origins in the Sindhi community. She is known for her unflinching human rights activism, her unequivocal support for the underprivileged and her ability to speak her mind, come what may. She is Chairperson of Department of Philosophy at Sindh University Jamshoro. She is a socialist and active member of women action forum. She, along with her other friends, has published a magazine "Adrish" on political, social, cultural and theoretical issues. “Everyone has to play his/her own role and I am satisfied that I do whatever I want to do. I have three things on priority – romance, revolution and resistance.” says Sindhu. One of the top feminists in Sindh, Sindhu talks about the rights of Sindhi women, insisting that all women should have equal rights. “They must be given freedom and equal opportunities. I stand with this gender, which is being neglected and ignored for thousands of years.”


چمين جو ڪوڙهه /
Aussatz der Küsse

اک جو فوڪس /
Brennende Füße

مان...!! /
Ohne Titel