
Anja Utler

Anja Utler
Anja Utler

Foto: Goethe-Institut / Soumya Sankar Bose
Anja Utler was born in 1973 in Schwandorf and lived for several years in Vienna. She now lives in Regensburg. She has done her doctoral thesis on Contemporary Russian Poetry. She works as a poet, essayist and translator and translates from several Slavic languages as well as English. She teaches Applied Arts at the University in Vienna. Her most recent book publications include Von den Knochen der Sanftheit. Behauptungen, Reden, Quergänge (Edition Korrespondenzen, 2016) and »manchmal sehr mitreißend«. Über die poetische Erfahrung gesprochener Gedichte (transcript Verlag, 2016).

Anja Utler’s poetry often includes a writtten and accoustical form, as a result the Poetry Volume, brinnen (2006), has a CD with the same name and the book jana, vermacht also has an audio. Her poetry has been awarded several times and among others she has received the prestigious Leonce-und-Lena Award for Poetry münden – entzüngeln (published in 2004). Recently she was awarded the Basler Poetry prize for her „innovative portrayal of the topical themes of Ecology and Gender in Poetry. Her work is recognized internationally, her poetry has been published in magazines and anthologies in more than 20 countries and as book, for example in Sweden, Norway, France and USA. Anja Utler is an Honorary Fellow of the International Writing Program in Iowa (IWP ‚14) and was the 2015 Writer-in-Residence at the Oberlin College in Ohio.


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