
Sudha M Rai

Photo: Goethe-Institut / Yawan Rai
Photo: Goethe-Institut / Yawan Rai

Photo: Goethe-Institut / Yawanrai
Sudha M Rai, was born in 1968.
She has published 7 books – four poetry collections, a short story collection and two translations, one of which is Khalil Gibran’s Love Letters that she has translated into Nepali.

Her poetry has also been translated into multiple Indian Languages including English. She has received the ‘Shrastha Paraskar’ (1999) and the ‘Bhaichand Pradhan Puraskar’ (2009) for her poetry. She was also a member of the language committee (Nepali) of Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi. She lives in Gangtok and works for the Sikkim Government.


एकाकार /
Eins=Sein / Verbunden

अशक्तता /
Hilflos / Hilflos


प्रतिबिम्ब /
Widerspiegelung / Spiegelung