Lena Hussein & Talitha Querido Pimentel

Attitude Problems

By Lena Hussein & Talitha Querido Pimentel


  • Attitude Problems (1) © Lena Hussein & Talitha Querido Pimentel

  • Attitude Problems (2) © Lena Hussein & Talitha Querido Pimentel

  • Attitude Problems (3) © Lena Hussein & Talitha Querido Pimentel

  • Attitude Problems (4) © Lena Hussein & Talitha Querido Pimentel

  • Attitude Problems (5) © Lena Hussein & Talitha Querido Pimentel

  • Attitude Problems (6) © Lena Hussein & Talitha Querido Pimentel

  • Attitude Problems (7) © Lena Hussein & Talitha Querido Pimentel

  • Attitude Problems (8) © Lena Hussein & Talitha Querido Pimentel

  • Attitude Problems (9) © Lena Hussein & Talitha Querido Pimentel

  • Attitude Problems (10) © Lena Hussein & Talitha Querido Pimentel

  • Attitude Problems (11) © Lena Hussein & Talitha Querido Pimentel

  • Attitude Problems (12) © Lena Hussein & Talitha Querido Pimentel

  • Attitude Problems (13) © Lena Hussein & Talitha Querido Pimentel

  • Attitude Problems (14) © Lena Hussein & Talitha Querido Pimentel

Scholars are saying that when we do manage to overcome the challenges that the current world Situation is giving us, the world as we know wont be the same anymore. Thankfully, we human beings are capable of adopting and mutating according to our needs, but one thing that helps this changes to be smoother is a higher understanding of the mind and the self.

The motivation here is simple: to use our two biggest passions- Design and Psychology- and
create a project that not only satisfies our own needs, but could help others in a light and fun manner with a distinguished esthetic.

The idea is to showcase human behaviors through a series of Zines, explained in visuals rather than words, that are turned into short clips of motion graphics, or a full video of the visuals animated. lt has definitions, patterns of the behavior, quotes, comments and whatever relevent to the topic. The Zine is a way to simplify these topics to others, and be entertaining.

The first issue that will be used in this collaboration is "bitching". lt explains the term "bitching", the effects of it, whether it be good or bad. The psychological explanation behind it and so on. It is a piece that has the feel of a zine, but online and with small details that are animated. The animations serve for both entertainment and giving the readers small "activities" related to the main subject of the determined issue. The activities are a challenge like a "no complaining Wednesday", with a little "diary page" for the reader to screenshot, write how they felt without complaining for a day, and post on their insta story.

Artists profile

Lena Hussein

Lena Hussein

I am a Graphic designer currently residing in Amman, Jordan. I do mostly print design, packaging, illustration, branding, and typography. I believe in the importance of a good design, and the power it has.

Talitha Querido Pimentel

Talitha Querido Pimentel

Multi Disciplinary Visual Communicator with focus in Graphic Design. Open and eager for new experiences and challengers. Unapologetically tempted to seeing beyond the status quo.

