Network Meeting in Amman

  Netzwerktreffen 22-23
© Goethe-Institut - Jordanien

As was organised for the 2020/2021 funding period in Cairo, this year’s project comprised a network meeting. Twelve previously selected award recipients, as well as instructors and mentors travelled to the Goethe-Institut in Amman in mid July. Award recipients were very well equipped to apply to funding, aiming to realise their projects, in Spring of 2023. They had successfully completed both the training programme in 2022/23 and the subsequent mentoring programme, where award recipients of the Cultural Networks Yemen had developed their project ideas. A jury consisting of cultural experts from Yemen and the Goethe-Institut in Amman decided upon the applications, accepting 15 of the 23 proposed project ideas. When implementing the project ideas, participants were again support by their mentors.
After months of online meetings via Zoom and written communication via E-mail, mid July 2023 finally saw a face to face conference at the Goethe-Institut in Amman. Participants departed from Egypt, Lebanon, Denmark and of course from a wide variety of places within Yemen, to travel to Amman. Thus, twelve Yemeni award recipients, a selected number of instructors and mentors, and of course, the project coordinator, met in person, to enjoy the very unusual experience of face to face exchange. The conference’s main focus were project presentations and updates on their implementation. Award recipients, mentors and instructors joined in intent discussion of the projects. Results and difficulties encountered during realisation were presented and heard; feedback provided concerning the latter was appreciated by the presentors.
Further, award recipients were matched with Jordanian organisations and actors from the cultural industries. Matches were made according to the focus of the respective project idea, prior to the start of the meeting and had the opportunity to convene in person in Amman. Visits to institutions of the cultural industries such as the Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts and the Darat al Funun completed the programme.
