Sara Al-Ajeeli

Nmail Goethe Institut - Jordan © Dima Mosleh

The word Nmail refers to the best type of wickerwork in Hadhramaut Governorate. The project aims to enhance the creative economy of craftswomen in the city of Mukalla, by offering training on techniques of modern wickers for ten women. This is the first time that women, who have not previously been exposed to modern models of wickerwork, have been trained in the region. This project strengthens collective awareness concerning the importance of cultural heritage and the necessity of preserving it, even in forms that keep pace with modern times.

Sara Othman © © Goethe Institut - Jordan Sara Othman © Goethe Institut - Jordan
Sara Al-Ajeeli works in the cultural sector and contributed to the establishment of the first cultural association in Hadhramaut. She teaches content creation, project management, and writing project outlines in the context of the cultural and arts sector in Hadhramaut Governorate. She also teaches how to apply for international project funds and works as a cultural researcher. Furthermore, she has contributed numerous papers to international and local conferences on Yemeni cultural heritage, its diversity and preservation.

Favourite Moment
"My favourite moments were those when women in public transport asked me about the wicker bag I wear, or to see the great admiration of the trainees themselves for their work that was displayed in the exhibition. They could not have imagined the wonderful reactions of people, but their elegant and fashionable works, that have not been seen in Makalla before, were met with surprise, joy and a lot of love. The happiest moment was, maybe, when the best work was honored by the office of the Yemeni Ministry of Culture or, when a representative of the trainees received an internship opportunity in Qatar. In all those moments, I was the happiest person on earth."
