Ahmed Adel
Yemen Bright Comics

Yemen Bright Comics Goethe Institut - Jordan © Dima Mosleh

Yemen Bright Comics aims to train twelve Yemeni artists in digital arts and storytelling through in-person workshops training. During the training, the participants learned how to create visual stories and comics. Following the training workshops, participants worked in pairs to create visual stories or comics reflecting the unique characteristics of the Yemeni culture.

The project’s main goal is teaching young Yemeni artists an innovative and a modern way to reflect our lives and share the unique characteristics of our Yemeni culture to the global community.

Ahmed Adel © © Goethe Institut - Jordan Ahmed Adel © Goethe Institut - Jordan
Ahmed Adel is based in Aden, Yemen and he is a current Business English graduate. Ahmed is the founder and CEO of Technology & Education for Change, a non-profit organization that provides youth with the knowledge and skills to educate them through modern technology and art. 

Favourite Moment
"My favorite moment was when the trainees’ graduation day took place."
