Happening, music, tea house , talk
Hands-on art!

Fotos: oto, Leni Hoffmann (links) / Space Design College (mitte) / Eiji John Infante Mitsuta (rechts)
Fotos: oto, Leni Hoffmann (links) / Space Design College (mitte) / Eiji John Infante Mitsuta (rechts)

60-year-anniversary of the Goethe-Institut in Kyoto

Goethe-Institut Villa Kamogawa

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Goethe-Institut in Kyoto, we cordially invite you to a diverse program that offers visitors various encounters with contemporary art and music, architecture and design.

17.11.2023, 4:00pm - 4:30pm
Venue: Goethe-Institut Villa Kamogawa, backyard

oto, Prof. Leni Hoffmann © oto, Prof. Leni Hoffmann oto, Prof. Leni Hoffmann oto, Prof. Leni Hoffmann
„oto“ von Leni Hoffmann - Happening

During her residency at Villa Kamogawa in 2019, the artist developed and realized several site-specific works for the urban space of Kyoto (in addition to format-related studio works), which have since created surprising visual perspectives and activated unexpected places.
The work "oto", which together with "camenzind" has since been on display in the backyard of Villa Kamogawa, will be activated and destroyed on this day by the artist herself in a "happening". In the artist's mind, the site remains activated, although the original state is subsequently restored. The day before, the work "moichido" will be reinstated to its original state in the parking lot of Kyoto University. This is an integral part of Leni Hoffmann's artistic practice. Visitors can witness the "happening" and the destruction of "oto".

17.11.2023, 5:45pm opening, to listen until 22.11.
Venue: Goethe-Institut Villa Kamogawa, garden

Eiji John Infante Mitsuta  © Eiji John Infante Mitsuta  Eiji John Infante Mitsuta Eiji John Infante Mitsuta
Forest Bathing

The Japanese-Filipino composer & sound artist Eiji John Infante Mitsuta creates a sound forest to “bathe” in with a group of loudspeakers in the Japanese-style garden of Villa Kamogawa. Weaving together original music and a collection of bird songs from various continents with ironically reflected sounds of the modern world, especially made for the occasion of the 60-year-anniversary of the Goethe-Institut in Kyoto and a tribute to the connection between art, culture and nature.

18.11.2023, 4:00pm - 7:00pm
Venue: Goethe-Institut Villa Kamogawa, garden


Clear spirit reflected on the water surface and the tea house.
Pleasant sounds, light and shadow created by corrugated panels.

– A special place for modern people seeking tranquility. –
The tea house is a place where you face your own spirit through hospitality and respect for others.
The light from outside enters the tea house through the corrugated panels, creating beautiful light patterns and shadows on the floor and walls
, creating a space that looks like it is spreading across the surface of the water. Become one with the flow of nature,
The sound, light and shadows of the corrugated sheets create a space that soothes the soul.

Light from corrugated sheets
Echoes of sounds
Face your heart

Events will be cancelled in the event of severe weather.
15 min. / Ceremony (2 Persons)
Admission free (Matcha green tea and sweets included)
* first-come-first-served
* Numbered tickets are issued during peak periods.

Support: Space Design College
Production: das Team von Space Design College
Production cooperation: Vinyl Enviromental Council
Information: 075-253-1561 (Space Design College)

18.11.2023, 4:30pm - 6:00pm
Venue: Goethe-Institut Villa Kamogawa, hall
Language: German and Japanese (with consecutive translation)
Foto: Patricia Köstring © Leni Hoffmann © Foto: Patricia Köstring © Leni Hoffmann Foto: Patricia Köstring © Leni Hoffmann Foto: Patricia Köstring © Leni Hoffmann
Book presentation „tanti belli colori_LENI HOFFMANN“ & Talk with Mariko Takagi

Leni Hoffmann's new book "tanti belli colori_LENI HOFFMANN" (2023, KOBRO Verlag) is a homage to the idea of multiples for the world and the experience of the individual in the process of reading. It celebrates different printing techniques and elaborate processes of book production that threaten to become obsolete with increasing digitalization.
The book has been created over the last three years; due to the pandemic, the artist was not allowed to travel or realize large site-specific works - but writing was possible.
The book has thus become a crossover between literature and art. On 18.11.2023, the artist will present the book and, together with graphic designer Mariko Takagi, invites you to a discussion about art, design, and literature.

Mariko Takagi © Mariko Takagi Mariko Takagi Mariko Takagi
<Mariko Takagi>
The German-Japanese graphic designer Mariko Takagi received her doctorate from the HbK Braunschweig in 2012. She completed a master's degree in type design at the University of Reading, UK in 2014 and has been a professor of graphic design at Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts since April 2017. Author, graphic designer, and professor with a research focus on Japanese culture, multilingual typography and its visual, intercultural implementation.


Goethe-Institut Villa Kamogawa

Kawahara-cho 19-3, Yoshida, Sakyo-ku
606-8305 Japan

Price: Free admission
