Exhibition & Talk Memorabilia - the exhibition

Beweis zu Nichts © Marcel Odenbach Courtesy Galerie Gisela Capitain, Cologne

Exhibition: 21.-26.11.2023, 11:00 - 18:00 | Talk: 26.11.2023, 16:00 - 18:00

Goethe-Institut Tokyo

The Art of Remembrance

Artistic work on and with memory is the focus of this exhibition, which shows that memories are not only a huge reservoir of our past, but at the same time open up spaces to understand the present and sensitize us to the challenges of the future. They keep us resilient.

Marcel Odenbach is one of the most important video artists of the present. His presented work Beweis zu nichts refers to the title of a poem by Ingeborg Bachmann. In it, he addresses the persistence of the victim-perpetrator structure in post-war German society.

Miyako Ishiuchi is a multiple award-wining photographer. In her photo series "hiroshima" she explores the traces of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. Instead of depicting the historically marked site in black and white landscape photographs, she finds her approach in the clothing and everyday objects of the victims, to which she returns something of their personality through light and positioning.

Toshio Hosokawa was born in Hiroshima and learned his compositional practice in Asia as well as in Europe. His musical style always corresponds with his themes and his thinking, which is oriented towards Buddhism but not dogmatic. The opera Stilles Meer which was premiered in Hamburg and whose recording is shown in the exhibition, has often been described as a reverberation of the earthquake disaster in Fukushima.

Lieko Shiga’s practice is rooted in site-specific fieldwork and experience. She moved to the Tohoku region to work as a community photographer for her artistic fieldwork, then was struck by the Tohoku earthquake. Rather than documenting the disaster, her work expresses the resilience of human imagination through community collaboration.

On 26.11. Dr. Kamiya Yukie will talk with the artists about the significance of memory work for their own practice. Introduced by Dr. Mirjam Zadoff, director of the NS Documentation Centre, Munich. Also participating is Prof. Doris Dörrie, film director and author, who will offer a workshop on 24.11: creative writing - lifting the treasures of memory.

Goethe-Institut Tokyo, Foyer
21. – 26.11.2023
11:00 – 18:00

Talk with the artists
Goethe-Institut, Hall
16:00 – 18:00
German/Japanese with simultaneous translation
Register here

In cooperation with
German Embassy Tokyo
DESK (Centre for German and European Studies, Tokyo University)
