
In our library you will find books, magazines, films, music, apps and games in German. Our translated titles also offer non-German readers the opportunity to find out about literature, culture, society, politics and current affairs in Germany. Another focus is our collection of German as a foreign language.

New Library and Terrace Goethe-Institut/Humphrey Gateri

The renovated and modernised library has current printed and audiovisual media both in German and English. The library extends to the terace with offers such as spaces for artistic round tables, a kids corner and a digital corner.



BibToGo is the Goethe-Institut library app.

BibToGo is the Goethe-Institut library app. It is also your personal library account. It gives you access to our media and services whenever you need them.

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It is also your personal library account. It gives you access to our media and services whenever you need them.

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Opening Hours

Mon & Tue: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
Wed & Thur: 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Fri: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Saturdays: (First 2 Saturdays of the month)- 11:00 am to 3:00 pm


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