The Unknown Order

The Unknown Order
© Goethe-Institut

Goethe-Institut Nairobi

In Nairobi there tends to be a lot of jostling among artists in terms of performance order and who is the “headlining act” and “opening act” instead of a mutual appreciation of art. Noel Nderitu, Fadhilee and Tetu Shani would like to present to you The Unknown Order, an event that has never been done in Nairobi.

The event will be structured as follows: Ten minutes before the first act starts, the emcee will pick a name-tag out of a hat and that will be the first artist to play. After each artist finishes, the emcee picks another and so on and so forth. No headliners or openers. Neither the artists nor the audience know who will perform first, second or third resulting in a spontaneous and fun filled event.

Each of these artists had great achievements in 2016 that were made possible through the power of the Internet with Noel Nderitu’s song “You” being covered over 80 times, Fadhilee hosting the second edition of his UTAM festival and Tetu’s song “Chemistry” being the most remixed Kenyan song of 2016, all without major label backing or promotion.

The Unknown Order is a celebration of Kenyan music that prioritises creativity, collectivism and resilience.


Goethe-Institut Nairobi

No. 3, Monrovia Street
Maendeleo House

Price: 500/= KSh
