“Facts & Contexts Matter”

How do you feel more confident when using digital media? The picture shows different everyday situations of media use. Illustration: Yukari Mishima. © bpb/Goethe-Institut; Illustration: Yukari Mishima

New media realities and platform paradigms have permanently changed discourse spaces both offline and online and promoted polarization in local societies in many places. The project explores how democracies in East Asia deal with the spread of false narratives and hate online.

The project “Facts & Contexts Matter” by the Goethe-Institut's East Asia region and the Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb) is exploring innovative practices in media literacy education. It focuses on the questions of how high-tech democracies such as Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan handle disinformation, hate speech online, and the spread of conspiracy ideologies, and how their approaches could be adapted for media literacy scenes in East Asia and Europe.

The project aims to connect media educators, researchers, and journalists from East Asia and Europe and identify innovative practices in media literacy education. The best practices, which originate from a wide variety of fields such as gaming, art, school, and extracurricular education, are linked with local stories, told in manga form, and then translated into Chinese, German, English, Japanese, and Korean.



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