Exhibition Rosemarie Trockel

Rosemarie Trockel: Selected drawings, objects and videos © Sungkok Art Museum

Thu, 29.08.2024 -
Sun, 27.10.2024

Sungkok Art Museum

Selected drawings, objects and videos

Rosemarie Trockel is one of the best-known contemporary German artists, who has also gained international recognition. A central theme of her work is the critical examination of female life experiences and the question of gender difference. Rosemarie Trockel began working as an artist in the 1980s and set herself the task of questioning the largely male-dominated art scene and contrasting the male artistic genius with female roles and themes. Despite her critical stance, there are ironic and humorous elements in her works that lend them a certain lightness and avoid dogmatic contradictions. Since 1991, she has been using hotplates as minimalist sculptures on the wall, removing them from their actual function as kitchen utensils and transforming them into abstract works of art. She alienates knitting pictures in a similar way, which become her trademark. These objects, once associated with domestic femininity and manual labor, are detached from their banal context by Trockel's interventions and question traditional ideas.

The monographic exhibition shows the artist's diverse working methods. Another focus is on the process of creating her works. Each phase of her work is documented in ink, charcoal, pencil, collage or computer drawings. These sketches form an independent group of works, as is particularly evident in the current large formats. Alongside videos, this medium therefore forms a focal point of the exhibition.

The exhibition will be on view at the Sungkok Art Museum in Seoul from August 29 to October 27. As part of the exhibition, the workshop "Looking at Art" will take place at the Goethe-Institut Seoul on September 11, and the lecture "Who is Rosemarie Trockel?" by curator and historian Dr. An Paenhuysen will be held at the Sungkok Art Museum on September 12 at 4 pm. Young-Paik Chun, professor at Hongik University, will speak about "Rosemarie Trockel & Women Artists of the Avant-Garde: Creativity, Humor and Irony" on October 5 at 2 pm.

“Rosemarie Trockel - Selected Drawings, Objects and Videos” is a touring exhibition of ifa – Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen and presented in cooperation with Goethe-Institut Korea.
