Backstory – The Film Residency
Panos Aprahamian

Panos Aprahamian © Panos Aprahamian


Panos Aprahamian is a writer and filmmaker based in Beirut. After graduating from the Lebanese Academy of Fine Arts he moved to London to continue his studies at the University of the Arts as a Caspian Arts Scholar specializing in documentary filmmaking. He produced his first film Yabandjo (2016) for Video Works 7 at Ashkal Alwan and is currently developing his second thanks to a grant from the Arab Fund for Arts and Culture (AFAC). His work has been showcased at film festivals and art spaces in Lebanon, Italy, UK, and UAE.

Project info: 

This Haunting Memory (That Is Not My Own) is an epistolary exploration trying to retrace the footsteps of the filmmakers’ ancestors, through their journey in exile across the Eastern Mediterranean and the North Atlantic initiated by the Armenian Genocide, in an attempt to draw parallels between their story and that of the forcefully displaced of our present historical moment.

statement jury

The project by Panos Aprahamian follows his previous films, which combine captivating imagery, precise observations and thorough research. On the basis of a reconstruction of the escape route taken by his great-grandfather, he now expands on the documentary analysis by means of his Armenian forebears, and as he does so poses historical but also current questions on displacement, migration and exile. The bursary provides him with the opportunity to drive forward the writing process, and to apply the finishing touches to the project development with the aid of professional advice.
