German Fillm Week 2022

Sep 26, 2022 | 08:00 pm
Salle Montaigne, Institut Français, Damascus Road, Beirut


Matured through two years in prison, Babtou is looking forward to a new beginning with his buddy Dennis. A free man in a free world! But of all things, his welcome party where all the boys from the block are gathered ends in a police operation. Babtou has his hands cuffed again and is confronted with dramatic news. He will soon be deported to his “home country” of Senegal. To prevent a deportation, Babtou and Dennis are willing to do anything…

Source: Beta Cinema

Scene "Toubab"
Toubab | Schiwago Film © Max Preiss


2021 | Germany
Genre: Comedy
Duration: 96 Min.
Language: German with Eng. ST
Director: Florian Dietrich
Screenplay: Florian Dietrich, Arne Dechow
Director of Photography: Max Preiss
Editing: Florian Dietrich, Heike Parplies, Robert Kummer, Jörg Volkmar
Music: Jacob Vetter


Farba Dieng: Babtou
Julius Nitschkoff: Dennis
Valerie Koch: Astrid Zeug
Michael Maertens: Horst Ruppert


IFF Warschau 2021
Audience Award
New Faces Awards 2021
New Faces Award, Bester Debütfilm
Filmkunstfest Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 2021
Best Performance Award
NDR Director Award
Audience Award
Bavarian Film Award 2021
Bayerischer Filmpreis, Best Young Actor


Reservations are mandatory and should be made online via: starting 12 September.
Seating is limited and reservation will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis.
* Admission is free of charge.

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