Rana Al Baba
Pink Noise

Pink Noise is the first part of “Sonic Rituals” a project on graphic and verbal notations; conceived as a performance-installation, it is an attempt to ensure the survival of sensory sensitivity in my today's inner and outer self.

It’s an immersive – interactive experience for the audience, intended to be more intimate and personal experience coming from a dark place in my head, about being too sensitive to sounds, and haunted by the sounds of the city (especially in times of public turmoil). The work begins from the exploration of an imaginary sound in my head that won’t stop no matter what. My relation with this sound(s) and how to deal with it? How not to fight it but also not to listen to it blindly? How not to let it consume me in return? How to let it go? This project is like an invitation, a poetic journey inside my haunted head. A way to re-establish my own safe space, using tools (an old-craft) from my own super invasive identity/culture to weave my own refuge."

Verbal Notations / Spoken Words: Rana Albaba
Sounds: Carol Ohair
Special thanks to Ali Chahrour for his support

Performance-Installation/ Work in Progress/ 30 min / Arabic
This performance is dedicated to the loving memory of Mohamad and Dina.
