German-Lebanese Quality Circle for transcultural teacher education

„German-Lebanese Quality Circle for transcultural teacher education © © Goethe-Institut „German-Lebanese Quality Circle for transcultural teacher education © Goethe-Institut

„German-Lebanese Quality Circle for transcultural teacher education“ starts to work Partnerships for school development between Stuttgart and Lebanon

Four public state-run schools in Stuttgart and three state-run PASCH-schools in Lebanon will establish school partnership programmes. Principals from Lebanese schools and educational experts from the Lebanese Ministry for Education met with their German colleagues in Stuttgart during a study visit between November 29th and December 6h, 2015. In order to support and administratively accompany these new school development initiatives, a “Memorandum of Understanding” was drafted between the Ministry for Culture and Education of the State of Baden-Württemberg, the State School Board Stuttgart and the Ministry for Education Lebanon was drafted. 

Four schools in Stuttgart were selected based upon their quality of teaching and learning provision and special expertise in integration and inclusion of migrant students and young refugees. Experts and principals from Lebanon got an insight into new methods of teaching and learning and innovative didactic forms. Principals from Stuttgart schools had a unique access to information on inclusion and integration in multi-ethnic and multi-religious classes in Lebanon. The direct professional exchange between colleagues was of highest value for both sides.

Prior to the study-visit of Lebanese principals and educational experts, a group of teachers of German as a Foreign Language from PASCH-schools in Lebanon stayed at the four Stuttgart schools between June 21th and 28th, 2015. 

The „Goethe Quality Circle for transcultural teacher education“ prepares pathways towards a Lebanese-German Programme for the subject specific didactic innovation of German as A Foreign Language in multi-ethnic and multi-religious classes. During the meeting in Stuttgart, a first needs analysis, agenda and schedule for the “Goethe Quality Circle” were established. Principals from Stuttgart will visit their Lebanese counterparts in spring 2016. Partnerships between schools will focus on specific needs of teachers, learners and school management. For spring 2017, a first exchange of pupils is foreseen between Beirut and Stuttgart. 

If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Eleonora Pennini