
7 DIALOGUES-Amancio Gonzalez
7 DIALOGUES-Amancio Gonzalez | © Dorothea Tuch

Performed by Dance On Ensemble

Citerne Beirut, Armenia Street, Al Nahr, Mar Mikhael

Performances in Beirut are supported by the Goethe-Institut in Beirut, the German Foreign Ministry and the National Performance Network (NPN)
About the company:
Dance On focuses on the artistic excellence of dancers aged 40+ whose experience, charisma and performative skills – in fact their entire dance life – is present on stage. Under the artistic direction of Christopher Roman and working with internationally renowned choreographers and directors, the Dance On Ensemble is creating its own repertoire. The body of work being developed for the First Edition boasts a wide range of artistic approaches and covers a spectrum ranging from dance to performance to theatre.
Catalogue (First Edition) - William Forsythe

CATALOGUE-Brit Rodemund & Christopher Roman
CATALOGUE-Brit Rodemund & Christopher Roman | © Dorothea Tuch
Duration: 18 minutes
About the performance:
Catalogue (First Edition) “is an intricate, almost baroque piece” – this is how the celebrated choreographer William Forsythe is describing his new work for Dance On.
Cast & Credits:
Choreography: William Forsythe
In artistic collaboration with Jill Johnson, Brit Rodemund and Christopher Roman
Artistic Direction DANCE ON ENSEMBLE: Christopher Roman
Lighting Design: Benjamin Schälike
Cast: Jill Johnson/Brit Rodemund (alternating), Christopher Roman
Extracts From 7 Dialogues - Matteo Fargion
7 DIALOGUES-Ami Shulman
7 DIALOGUES-Ami Shulman | © Dorothea Tuch
Duration: 26 minutes
About the performance:
For 7 Dialogues the composer/performer Matteo Fargion centered his attention on the dancers and their personalities. Individual portraits of the dancers were created with the artistic dialogue partners, Étienne Guilloteau, Tim Etchells, Beth Gill, Hetain Patel, Lucy Suggate and Ivo Dimchev. During BIPOD Festival, 3 selected solos will be presented.

Cast & Credits:
Artistic Direction/Composition: Matteo Fargion
An artistic collaboration with, by and from: Ty Boomershine and Beth Gill, Amancio Gonzalez and Hetain Patel, Brit Rodemund and Lucy Suggate, Christopher Roman and Ivo Dimchev, Jone San Martin and Tim Etchells, Ami Shulman and Étienne Guilloteau
Artistic Direction DANCE ON ENSEMBLE: Christopher Roman
Lighting Design: Benjamin Schälike
Sound Design: Florian Fischer
Costumes: Claudia Hill
Cast (BIPOD Festival): Matteo Fargion, Amancio Gonzalez, Brit Rodemund, Christopher Roman

Man Made - Jan Martens
MAN MADE | © Dorothea Tuch
Duration: 30 minutes
About the performance:
In his new production Man Made, Jan Martens creates a choreographic and social system using the craft, knowledge, connections, experience and fragility of five dancers who have been dancing for years and years.
Cast & Credits:
Concept / Choreography: Jan Martens
In artistic collaboration with and from Ty Boomershine, Amancio Gonzalez, Brit Rodemund, Christopher Roman and Jone San Martin
Outside Eye: Renee Copraij
Artistic Direction DANCE ON ENSEMBLE: Christopher Roman
Lighting Design: Dominique Pollet
Sound: Mattef Kuhlmey
Costume: Sophia Piepenbrock-Saitz


Citerne Beirut, Armenia Street, Al Nahr, Mar Mikhael
