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Between (re)presentation and engagement. The work of IIPM - International Institute of Political Murder

Zoukak Studio

With Milo Rau and Stefan Bläske

Three works by Milo Rau will be presented in Beirut at the beginning of November 2018: The films "The Congo Tribunal", „The Moscow Trials“ and the performance "Breivik's Statement." A small excerpt from an extensive oeuvre, consisting of more than 50 books, films and theatre projects, in very different formats. Milo Rau became known for his historical reenactments ("The Last Days of the Ceausescus" and "Hate Radio") and challenged politics and justice with activist projects, trials, tribunals and assemblies (such as "The General Assembly"), his theatre productions (including "Five Easy Pieces" and "La Reprise") cause a sensation at festivals worldwide.

In this masterclass, Milo Rau and his dramaturg Stefan Bläske present their work and the concept of "global realism": What does it mean to be an artist in the globalized world at the beginning of the 21st century? What can and what has to be done, and what is allowed in art? What are the crimes and tragedies of our time, and how can you tell about them on stage?

Traditionally theatre is the representation and repetition of what has been. But how does one get from the (re)presentation to the engagement and commitment? From passivity to activity? And from pure representation to a presence of the real?

Using examples from their own works, Milo Rau and Stefan Bläske present their idea of a "Theater of the Real" and of the "City Theatre of the Future", which they are currently building up by taking over the artistic direction of NTGent in Belgium, which will think globally and tour internationally. In the masterclass, we will discuss the aesthetic and political aspects of this theatre together.


Zoukak Studio

Salloumi Building, Corniche du fleuve

Language: English
Price: 25,000 L.L.

Part of series MILO RAU IN LEBANON

Registrations at or at the door of the venue