German exams

Hassle-Free Registration

You can now register for our German exams online anytime and anywhere. Discover how easy it is to sign up for our German exams. We have compiled the individual registration steps for you in a photo gallery.

Goethe-Zertifikat B1

Goethe-Zertifikat B2

Goethe-Zertifikat C1

Goethe-Zertifikat C2

Goethe-Test PRO

Further information

Accessible practice exercises

We provide practice materials and sample exams for all our German exams. These are fully accessible and therefore suitable for people with disabilities.

Quality standards

More than 230,000 satisfied customers a year thanks to the Goethe-Institut’s certificates being accepted around the world as valid evidence of an individual’s language skills.

Test your German

Test how „gut“ your German is: Are you just starting out, pretty good or really great? This test gives you a first orientation. 

Frequently asked questions

We will inform you here about frequently asked questions on the examinations of the Goethe-Institut.