Professional Development for German teachers

Whether it's a question of regional studies, methodology and didactics, or expanding language skills, the Goethe-Institut offers German teachers worldwide extensive opportunities for professional development and continuing education.

Professional development in Malaysia

The Goethe-Institut in Malaysia offers professional development seminars and other events for teachers of German.

Teacher training in Malaysia ©getty Images (Ausschnitt) ©getty Images (Ausschnitt)

Professional development online

Professional development courses via distance learning – here you can decide for yourself when and where you would like to learn.

Online Trainings © Getty Images (Ausschnitt) © Getty Images (Ausschnitt)

Professional development in Germany

Professional development courses in Germany offer you an opportunity to improve your skills and experience Germany.

Teachers at a seminar © Getty Images (Ausschnitt) © Getty Images (Ausschnitt)

Webinars for German teachers

The Goethe-Institut's free webinars are aimed at trainers and teachers of German as a foreign language. The one-hour webinars focus on a current methodological, didactic or cultural topic that relates specifically to your everyday teaching or training.
All webinars take place in a virtual course room and last one hour. All you need to take part is a tablet, laptop or computer, a stable internet connection and a headset.

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