Reading Promotion

12.000 Books for Namibian Children

Reading is the basis of education, independence and togetherness. To ensure that all children and young people in Namibia can read well, the Goethe-Institut together with partners in Namibia launches a Reading Campaign with different activities around reading promotion.

Bilderbuch slide ©Goethe-Institut Namibia

What we do

Our Activities in Reading promotion we offer:
  • Book the Goethe-Institut for a Reading Session in your Library, School, or Kindergarten and listen to our Storyteller.
  • Bring our Picture Book Cinema to your institution.
  • Be part of our Book donation from Book Dash Books for children from 3 to 8
  • Organisation of the 2nd Book Sprint Namibia (in preparation)
  • NEW!! You can now borrow our media box with 50 different books for children aged 3-8 years


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