Advice and service

Bildungskooperation Deutsch © Foto: Goethe-Institut/Sonja Tobias Bildungskooperation Deutsch Foto: Goethe-Institut/Sonja Tobias

The Teaching Advice Service supports teachers, schools and institutions in the teaching of German.

  • Professional development for German teachers, from one-day events to seminars lasting several weeks.
  • Ideas and materials for advertising German
  • An overview of current teaching materials.


Do you need current and innovative teachings material for your German classes?
Educational institutions can apply for teaching material support. For further information about the teaching material offering, please have a look on the respective websites of the German publishing houses (German as a foreign language).

You can submit your application with an official letter of the institution, you work for, at the Goethe-Institut Nigeria. The deadline is June 30th, 2022.

Please consider the references of the information leaflet.

Promoting German as a foreign language (DaF)

We want as many people as possible to have an opportunity to get to know Germany and the German language. That's why we advertise.

If you would like to advertise German at your school, we can offer you the following materials and activities:

  • Information about the Goethe-Institut
  • Visits to the Goethe-Institut
  • Film and Video presentations
  • Quiz competitions with prizes
Portal of the Goethe-Institut with more advertisement opportunities for German:


Moses Ayankunle
Coordinator, Education Cooperation and Partner Schools
Goethe-Institut Lagos
Tel. +234 (0)14549515
