Paneldiskussion Changing Perceptions of Privacy?

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Di, 23.05.2017

18:00 – 19:30 Uhr

Goethe-Institut Oslo

A panel discussion with leading experts on data protection and privacy matters

Fading Memories” is the title of an international event series that the Goethe-Institutes in Northwest Europe devote themselves to in a period stretching over one year. In this part of the series we take a closer look at how issues such as privacy and data integrity are developing in the digital age, specifically in Norway and Germany.
In Norway as in the other Scandinavian countries, the attitude of people to data protection is ambivalent: on the one hand, transparency is valued; on the other hand, there is an increasing demand for ways to protect themselves against misuse of personal data and monitoring. Meanwhile, the results of the Electronica-Trend-Index 2020 show, that Germans are much more sensitive to data protection in the digital world than their European neighbours or consumers in Asia and the USA.
However, a trend evolving in both countries is the changing attitude towards the publication of personal data. It appears that people become more conscious about sharing content online and making their personal life and interests traceable for others. The new EU General Data Protection Regulation comes into effect in May 2018 and will give people more control over their personal information and limits the options by which companies track and predict personal movements online.
This panel discussion on current developments in the digital age will be driven by leading Norwegian and German experts from the legal and social sectors.
  • Kari Laumann is a sociologist and works as a Senior Social Scientist at the Norwegian Data Protection Authority. She works on a wide range of topics within the privacy realm: artificial intelligence, commercial use of personal data, privacy in apps and she is in charge of the Norwegian Data Protection Officers programme.   
  • Elisabeth Staksrud (PhD) is Associate Professor at the Department of Media and Communication, University of Oslo, and Deputy Chair of the Norwegian National Committee for Research Ethics in the Social Sciences and the Humanities (NESH). Her research interests evolve around children and online risk, regulation and rights, and governance and research ethics.
  • Jens O. Krügermann is responsible for the Data Protection Department of Kpp Group GmbH. He has many years of experience as external Data Protection Officer and, as coach and lecturer for data protection legislation. He is a personal member of the “Berufsverband der Datenschutzbeauftragte e.V.” (Association of Data Protection Officers” and supports as a lecturer the initiative "Datenschutz geht zur Schule" (“Data protection goes to school”).
  • The discussion will be presented by Tobias Judin, a Legal Adviser at the Norwegian Data Protection Authority. He works with topics such as tracking in public spaces, commercialisation of personal data, privacy violations online, and credit reporting. He is also a part of the NDPA’s advisory service, which offers advice and guidance on privacy matters and the Norwegian Personal Data Act.
