Artist in Residence Auckland
Jimmy Robert

Jimmy Robert
left: Jimmy Robert Portrait, 2021 Courtesy of the artist; Stigter van Doesburg, Amsterdam and Tanya Leighton, Berlin and Los Angeles Photography: Roman Goebel, right: Jimmy Robert, Technique et Sentiment I , 2021 Archival inkjet print, oak batons 110 × 150 cm. Courtesy of the artist; Stigter van Doesburg, Amsterdam; Thomas Dane Gallery, London and Naples; and Tanya Leighton, Berlin and Los Angeles Photography: Gunter Lepkowski | ©left: Roman Goebel, right: Gunter Lepkowski

The Goethe-Institut, in cooperation with Artspace Aotearoa in Auckland, offers artists the opportunity to live and work in Aotearoa New Zealand with this scholarship program. The stay in Auckland is intended to be both an inspiration and an artistic orientation. In direct personal exchange with the local cultural scene, concrete project plans can be further developed and implemented and long-term contacts with New Zealand cultural institutions and artists can be established.

Artist in residence 2024: Jimmy Roberts

Jimmy Robert was born in Guadeloupe in 1975, studied at Goldsmiths University in London and started a residency at the Rljksakademie in Amsterdam before moving to Berlin, where he is currently a professor at the UdK. His artistic expression ranges from photography, sculpture, film and video to collaborative performance.
The Gallery Artspace Aotearoa sets the stage for the first solo exhibition of the artist in the Moana-nui-a-Kiwa region. It presents Robert’s seminal performance Joie Noire, debuted at KW Institute of Contemporary Art, Berlin in early 2019 and transformed into an exhibition designed especially for Artspace Aotearoa. The work traverses the full spectrum of life’s edges; the explosive power of coming of age, a weaponised pandemic, and the many, often surprising places we find solidarity. Located in conversation with the gay-club-scene of New York in the 1980s and filtered back through Robert’s practice— primarily emerging from a photo-performance impulse—we are invited to move with our own bodies through constitutive elements of the original performance. This experience of navigation registers sites of self-determination and imposed limitations pointed to in a variety of contexts of Robert’s work.This reconfiguration of the work will include photography, audio, video and spatial interventions. 
This will be the second exhibition in Artspace Aotearoa's exhibition cycle 2024 orbiting the question “Do I need territory?”. The exhibition opens on Friday, 19 April 2024 and will run regularly from 20 April to 6 July 2024. On Thursday 11 April 2024, Jimmy Robert will talk about his work in an artist talk. 
