Information and Collaboration

Are you teaching German? We would love to exchange information and explore ways of collaboration with you here in the Philippines.

Advice © Colourbox

The Bildungskooperation Deutsch (BKD) works in the Philippines with many partners (BKD-Netzwerk Deutsch): German teachers, multipliers, educational authorities and German teacher associations. Our common goal is to promote the teaching of German.

Our most important task is, together with our BKD network, to promote the teaching of German here, e.g.
  • through language and specialist training for teachers at schools and universities
  • with cultural programmes for German teachers and students (e.g. exhibitions, competitions, concerts)
  • through scholarships and visitor programs
BKD's range of tasks is very extensive and the Philippines is a huge country and fulfilling these tasks are possible with the help of our partners.


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