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As we all sit at home in the anticipation of socializing again, we bring to you the finest pearls as we rummage through the wide range of our OnleiheWe also present to you what other libraries are doing.


From our Onleihe

Onleihe tip #13

New DaF media in onleihe!

Explore new Deutsch als Fremdsprache materials in Onleihe. There is something for each level.

Onleihe tip #12

Onleihe:Popular Media August 2020

Find some of our most loved media on Onleihe. You can easily find them on the Onleihe homepage, under the section "Most popular loans".

Onleihe tip #11

Onleihe- New media August

Check out the new media available in our Online library collection, including the current works of Theresa Hannig, Thorsten Nagelschmidt, Sylvia Ofili, Jürgen Osterhammel, Sudabeh Mohafez and many more...

Now read eBooks directly in your browser with our “Onleihe:reader” feature.

Onleihe tip #10

New Media at the eLibrary!-June

New media is available in our Onleihe collection, including the current works of Edith von Sundahl-Hiller, Thomas RamgeGünter Raake and many more..

Onleihe tip #9

Digitale Snacks: Onleihe Tipp #9

Want to know about what´s happening in Germany? From timeless non-fictions to iconic bestsellers and free German newspapers, you´re sure to find a fav here. From the shelves of Onleihe, we give you the top picks of the week.

Onleihe tip #8

Onleihe Tipp #8 Bild

We´ve brought Sci-Fi for those that want to try out something different this week. Junktown will keep you wide awake until the end. Und wer rettet mich is the Young Adult Literature we need to escape from our current everyday life. Read and forget the world around you.

PS: We smuggled Großes Übungsbuch into our selection this week as we shouldn´t forget to practice our grammar.

Onleihe tip #7

Three Tips Onleihe: Als plötzlich alles anders war, Schreiben auf Reisen; Kleines Lexikon der Reise-Irrtürmer

Summer is here and we know you are missing your annual summer trips, which is why we have brought you some amazing recommendations to while away time. Read Als plötzlich alles anders war with the the whole family. It calls for fun around the house. Learn how to write about your previous travels with Schreiben auf Reisen and stay updated with Kleines Lexikon der Reise-Irrtürmer on things to watch out for on your next trip.

Onleihe tip #6

Three tips from Onleihe: Vegan, Regional, Saisonal; Fake News; Deutsch Perfekt - Total Viral

This week we will dare to work on new recipes together with Vegan, Regional, Saisonal. There is something for everyone and it tastes great. We are currently reading Fake News by Karoline Kuhla, to learn to distinguish between serious and dubious news. To finish off, we bring with us the audio magazine Deutsch Perfekt – Total Viral. A complete guide to the Internet. Listen and learn something!

Onleihe tip #5

Three tips from Onleihe: Palast der Miserablen, Brigitte, Überfall in Mannheim

Our tips for the week will help you forget the daily routine. Let's go to the Palace of the Miserables (Palast der Miserablen), the new novel by Abbas Khider, and immerse ourselves in another world together with the narrator. The magazine Brigitte keeps us entertained with useful tips and tricks for times when there is not much to do. With the light reading Überfall in Mannheimwe slip through to Mannheim and join Marie and Paul in the thrill. Come along!

Onleihe tip #4

Three tips from Onleihe: Lara und Roby, Lara und Roby, Schattenspringer, 3 Zimmer/Küche/Bad

Remember Lara und Robby from our first Onleihe tip? It finally continues with the two, this time in Leipzig. We are thrilled! Do you want to read something light for lunch? Schattenspringer - Per Anhalter durch die Pubertät is the perfect companion to the thali at noon, don't you think? For the evening program we bring to you 3 Zimmer/Küche/Bad. A story about friendship, relocation and being there for each other. This week we dream of the outside world through our books. Would you like to dive in with us?

Onleihe tip #3

Three tips from Onleihe: Sheroes, Plastik kommt mir nicht in die Tüte, Das Känguru-Manifest

This week we explore with you humor, health and everyday heroes from the Onleihe. Quite a lot, eh? We would like to outline interesting topics for the week. Sheroes offers a chance to talk about role models and power in a thoughtful way. Plastik kommt mir nicht in die Tüte is a manual for world reformers and we think there is no better time than now to prepare for a healthy lifestyle. The Känguru-Manifest should give us all some joy this week, after all, one does need a little laughter!

Onleihe tip #2

Three tips from Onleihe: Faust (DAF), Coming Out, Allein unter Dieben

How about a little motivation? Challenge yourself with our recommendations of the week! Embark on an adventure with the great Doctor Faust and forget reality for a moment. Coming Out – Letztendlich muss du deinem Herzen folgen (in the end you have to follow your heart) is the small push we need to fulfill our long awaited dreams. Allein unter Dieben – meine verrückte Verbrecherfamilie und ich is an absolute feel-good novel. Allow us to introduce you to the world of cheese beer, a burst of laughter is guaranteed!

Onleihe tip #1

Three tipps from Onleihe: Lara and Roby, Deutsch Perfekt, Agnes

Have your meal prepped for the day? For the morning chai, we recommend a light reading - Lara und Robby get to know each other by mistake via a messenger app and continue chatting about everything that moves them. With chapati at lunchtime, leaf through the magazine Deutsch Perfekt and treat yourself for dinner with the feature film Agnes - a love story between a physics student and a writer, between fiction and reality, based on the same-titled novel by Peter Stamm.

From other libraries

Journal of a closed library

The city library of Marzahn-Hellersdorf is closed to the public due to the current situation. In the podcast, the library employees describe what happens in the so-called Back-office. Acoustically, they are now providing an insight into the work behind the scenes!

This way to the Tagebuch einer geschlossenen Bibliothek.
Or listen to the podcast via the embedded player.

  Listen to "Tagebuch einer geschlossenen Bibliothek" on Spreaker.

From the world of Goethe-Institut

Day-Afterthoughts in your head © Kitty Kahane

Reflections on a post-corona-time

A virus is showing us how globally networked and yet how fragile our public life is. What does the pandemic mean to and for each of us and for society as a whole?
Here are some responses from intellectuals and artists around the world with regard to our present predicament and what lies in store for us afterwards.

Illustration of a man and a woman infront of a computer Illustration: Tobias Schrank © Goethe-Institut

For German Langueage Learners
Couchpotato – Learn German at home

Train your language skills on your own couch: Learn German at home with our various digital tips, interactive exercises and games.
