KERN (Kultur Entrepreneurial Resources Network)

Kern © Goethe-Institut Ramallah



KERN (KULTUR ENTREPRENEURAL RESOURCES NETWORK) is a new programme of the Goethe-Institut Ramallah to support the Palestinian cultural practitioners.

The Goethe-Institut Ramallah is launching a new programme for grants and support of the Palestinian cultural landscape for 2024. We are hereby warmly inviting Palestinian artists, designers, cultural entrepreneurs and cultural workers to be part of developing this programme under the title: KERN, Kultur entrepreneurial resources network.

The aim of KERN (meaning seed in German) is to provide the financial and space capabilities for emerging Palestinian artists, designers, entrepreneurs and managers to develop and implement their projects in the framework of KERN.

KERN will provide grants (mid-sized grants à 1000-2000 EUR) to develop, produce, collaborate and/or exchange initiatives from the Palestinian cultural landscapes. The results will be put on display depending on the final work (music, design, theatre, dance, visuals arts etc…). The time and format of the displayed works will be decided later.

Background: Empowerment in the Palestinian Cultural Context

In the context of the Palestinian realty and the absence of a Palestinian urban planning vision, space for Palestinian civil society is continuously shrinking. As public spaces disappear, societal cohesion is also threatened. Consequently, there is a search for orientation and individual and societal support in the (immaterial) Palestinian cultural heritage.

Places of retreat and empowerment offer civil society (especially youth or women) semi-public spaces, such as the "Hosh" (a group of houses with shared spaces) and the neighborhood garden, which is often used collectively in the area. In Ramallah and other Palestinian cities, due to the occupation situation, there are no concrete city development plans that integrate civil society. The grants should address small civil society initiatives, particularly focusing on rural civil population, neighborhoods in urban areas, and in refugee camps, while highlighting the significant role of youth and women. The developed projects should promote their engagement in civil society responsibility for (semi-)public spaces through a connection to Palestinian culture and nature. Technical and structural support are particularly needed in this context.

The project targets individuals (see below) Palestinian civil society organizations, neighborhood initiatives, or individuals working in their neighborhoods on the revitalization and shared use of publicly accessible spaces and who have already developed ideas. The project approach enables them to engage with the topic of public space in Palestine itself, historical contexts, as well as the socio-economic challenges of their neighborhoods and target groups.

The grants would address the following disciplines:

  • Music
  • Audio productions
  • Film
  • Dance/Theatre
  • Cultural entrepreneurship
  • Design


  • Empower emerging Palestinian artists, designers, and cultural entrepreneurs by providing financial support and resources to develop and implement their projects.
  • Foster collaboration and exchange initiatives within the Palestinian cultural landscape in Palestine and the Diaspora.
  • Showcase the diverse talents and creative expressions of Palestinian cultural practitioners.
  • Strengthen the cultural entrepreneurship ecosystem in Palestine.

Target Audiences:

1. Palestinian artists, including musicians, filmmakers, dancers, theatre practitioners, and visual artists.
2. Palestinian designers seeking to explore new avenues for creative expression and collaboration.
3. Cultural entrepreneurs aiming to develop sustainable projects within the cultural sector.
4. Palestinian cultural workers involved in the production, management, and promotion of artistic endeavors.

Key Indicators:

1. Number of grant applications received and successfully awarded.
2. Diversity and innovation demonstrated in the projects funded by KERN grants.
3. Level of collaboration and exchange among Palestinian cultural practitioners facilitated by KERN initiatives.
4. Impact of funded projects on the Palestinian cultural landscape, including audience engagement, visibility, and cultural dialogue.
5. Long-term sustainability of projects supported by KERN grants.

Time plan:

June 2024 August 2024 September 2024 October 2024 November 2024
Launch the call
for grant
applications and
promote KERN
program across
cultural networks.
Review and evaluate grant applications with the assistance of the external jury. Facilitate networking events, workshops, and mentorship sessions for KERN grantees. Support the production and realization of funded projects, including music recordings, film productions, theatre performances, etc. Evaluate the impact and effectiveness of the KERN program based on key indicators and feedback from participants

Deadline: 30 of July
Register here:
