Dates and Enrolment

A hand with a green pen filling out a form. © Photo: Goethe-Institut/Bettina Siegwart Goethe-Institut German exams registration Photo: Goethe-Institut/Bettina Siegwart

Exam Registration

Registration for the examinations takes place via email ( or via this form on our website (registration form).

If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to reach out to us!

Exam Dates

After each term, we offer examinations at our institute for all different levels. We distinguish between "internal candidates", who have been taking their German classes at our institute before the exam and "external candidates" who have been learning German elsewhere and would like to only write their examination with us.

The dates for the Goethe examinations take place as follows:


Examinations Kigali

At the end of each course the participants can take an exam to get a certificate. Please register for the exam at the language office. 
