We promote cultural exchange, education and social discourse
The cultural program work of the Goethe-Institut Singapore is diverse and supports very different forms of artistic expression in the fields of visual arts, theatre, film, dance, literature and oral culture.
Why does Franz Kafka’s spell remain unbroken a hundred years after his death? Why do we still perceive Kafka as so modern and contemporary? Because Kafka wrote such beautiful letters? Because we love drama queens? Because we feel that the world has never been more Kafkaesque than it is today? Join us as we step into Kafka’s world! Be Kafka!
Illustration by Roberto Majan
Illustration by Roberto Majan
The Goethe-Institut Singapore has established a unique space for culture in Singapore. 136 GOETHE LAB is a space that highlights the importance of open and cost-free spaces for culture in our dense urban environment, and welcomes artists and cultural practitioners to collaborate, through its annual open calls.
Our work covers contemporary practice across broad areas of the arts and cultural fields. We value innovative, critical and experimental engagements beyond the mainstream, and we recognise diverse perspectives and practices as necessary values. Our initiatives address contemporary issues, and underscore the fundamental import of the arts and culture on public discourse.
We offer a wide array of options for borrowing books, magazines, and learning materials both on-site and online. Take a moment to explore our fantastic collection and discover our exciting offers. Happy reading and learning!
The Onleihe is Goethe-Institut’s digital library. More than 35,000 German language eBooks, audio books, movies, materials for German language learners, magazines and newspapers are available for downloading from the Onleihe.
Are you interested in German film, art or literature, music, dance or theatre? And, of course, in the projects of the Goethe-Institut Singapore? Subscribe to our newsletter and find out what's new!