Reading and discussion Literary Salon: Anna Hájková

Queer history of the Holocaust, i.e. the question of same-sex desire among Holocaust victims, has remained a blank to this day. Anna Hájková's book is the first attempt to capture the history of these silenced voices.

Anna Hájková Literary Salon © Stiftung Volkswagen Slovakia; Photo: Vávlav Jirásek, Bookcover: Akropolis Publishing

Open Call

The CLAD project is looking for emerging journalists (aged 18-30) and students of journalism who are passionate about combating disinformation in a transnational context.

Banner Citizens and Libraries against Disinformation - Open Call Image: Eugen Korda © Goethe-Institut Image: Eugen Korda © Goethe-Institut


What moves us

Citizens and Libraries against Disinformation

In the fast-paced digital world of the 21st century it is crucial to be able to identify fake content. Having access to reliable information is critical – which is why libraries from both Portugal and Slovakia are uniting for the EU-funded project CLAD – Citizens and Libraries against Disinformation.

Ukraine - The country in the centre of Europe

Mit dieser Programmreihe wollen wir „das Land am Rand“ in die Mitte rücken: seine Filmemacher*innen, Autor*innen und vor allem die lebendige ukrainische Diaspora in der Slowakei. Wir haben die ukrainische Kulturmanagerin Anna Siedykh eingeladen ein ganzjähriges Programm zu kuratieren mit dem Ziel ukrainische und slowakische Kulturschaffende in den Austausch zu bringen. 

Ukraine - A country in the middle of Europe © Tanya Kyianytsia

Sharing economy/workshops
Library of Things

A meeting place for people interested in sharing knowledge, tools and useful objects. Library of good and useful things. Do you need a drill, tent, GPS, camera or sports equipment? In our library we have reserved a special room for more than 80 items from 5 different areas. Borrow things from us for free. We are also offer interesting workshops based on the objects available for loan.

Goethe on Demand

On Goethe on Demand, the Goethe-Institut's streaming platform, we present various online film programmes, film festivals and film series that can be streamed from home. The spectrum ranges from classics to current art house films from Germany.

Literary Salon

The Goethe-Institut and the Volkswagen Slovakia Foundation are working together to promote culture and German. The series of events with readings and discussions on German language literature will continue in 2025.


CYCLE UP! connects artists, decision-makers, and communities who care about our climate to find creative ideas and solutions to bring more bicycles to our streets.

CycleUp! © Aidan Formigoni © Aidan Formigoni


Meet our international Newsroom: Journalists from Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Lithuania, Slovakia and Ukraine collaborate to bring you stories that matter across borders. Together, they bring you PERSPECTIVES – the new label for constructive and multi-perspective journalism. As part of PERSPECTIVES, numerous exciting events are being organised in Bratislava and in cooperation with local partners.

Learn German

With experience to your success

Seated group of people with mobile devices Foto: Getty Images

The Goethe-Institut brings the German language to the world. We offer German courses and German examinations in over 90 countries.

  • The right solution for every need
  • In good hands at every level
  • Internationally recognised language certificates

Teach German

We are pleased to inform you that Goethe-Institut Slovensko has received the authorisation to offer innovative education from the Ministry of Education. From now on, you can participate in innovative education with us and get the award for the development of professional competences.

A woman stands at the whiteboard © Getty Images © Getty Images


Diverse. Open to all.

Our library is a place for everyone who wants to read, listen to music, watch films, get inspired and meet people. We are here for you every working day from 8:00 to 20:00.

Audience Goethe-Institut Bratislava Foto: Peter Korček © Goethe-Institut Slowakei


Would you like to stay up to date? No problem - we will be happy to send you regular newsletters about news from our institute in Bratislava.

Come visit us Goethe-Institut Slovakia


Panenská 33
81482 Bratislava
Slovak Republic

Opening hours

Mon-Fri: 08:30–12:30, 13:00–20:30
The Goethe-Institut Bratislava building © Goethe-Institut

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