Students about Goethe-Institut

Barbora Klapalová
Rada by som odporučila kurz Blended Learning, ktorý ponúka Goetheho inštitút. Myslím si, že tento kurz spája to najlepšie z prezenčného a online vyučovania. Sebadisciplínu a flexibilitu pri online fáze a výhody vyučovania v malej skupine. Taktiež vyzdvihujem zaujímavosť a aktuálnosť preberaných tém! Počas koronakrízy je tento kurz dobrou možnosťou spoznať nových ľudí a už sa teším na ďalší kurz!

Ivana  Mesárošová
"I think hybrid learning is a great idea. It is a very effective way of learning, because we all participate in the lesson much more actively. And we can also combine listening and reading with speaking and writing."

Arianna Friso
„Ich halte den hybriden Unterricht für eine tolle Idee. Es ist eine sehr effektive Art des Lernens, weil wir alle aktiver am Unterricht teilnehmen können und Hören, Lesen, Sprechen und Schreiben gleichzeitig verbinden können.“


Why did you decide to take the course at the Goethe-Institute?

‘Because I needed a qualified course, where I didn’t waste my time’

‘The Goethe-Institute is a well-known international institution with a good reputation. I knew that I could expect high quality lessons and professional attitudes.’

‘The first course was a gift. I decided to take another course because I was very satisfied with the tuition.’

Why would you recommend the Goethe-Institute to other students?

‘Because I am convinced that the GI is the best way to learn German in Slovakia.’

‘Great atmosphere, people, place and knowledge.’

‘They taught me not only to speak German but to think German.’

What does a course at the Goethe-Institute provides for you?

‘Perfect structure of the lessons, where it doesn’t only focus on the vocabulary, reading- and hearing comprehension, but also provides interesting tasks and great discussions.’

 ‘It motivates me to deal with German even outside of the course.’

‘Speaking German with more secureness and confidence’

Why do you learn German?

‘Because living in the middle of Europe and not to speak German would be the same as living on earth without speaking English.’
‘I would like to learn another language than English. Furthermore I would like to improve my German, which I’ve learned at school for 8 years. But I can’t speak it properly anymore.’

Because of the possibility to work in a different country, to get to know new people and to widen up the scope of entrepreneurial activates’

‘To communicate with my German colleagues fluently and to compose documents in German.’
