APDO 2019 – National qualification

© Goethe-Institut

This upcoming August the Asia-Pacific-German Olympics invites young and ambiguous German language learners to Bogor, Indonesia. However firstly the students who can participate in it and further represent Thailand will decided by the national qualification!

What is the Asia-Pacific-German Olympics (APDO)?
The APDO is an event hosted in the Asia Pacific region, attended by approximately 100 Students, teachers and representatives of the Goethe-Institute from 12 countries. It will take place from the 9th until the 16th of August in Bogor, Indonesia.
It aims to promote international exchange between German language learners in the Asia-Pacific region. As well as followed by the fact, that in this region the majority of the German language learners are at levels A1/A2. So not only the APDO creates a platform for those to contribute jointly towards the attractiveness of the German language but also allowing a larger number of participants per country to challenge and compete against each other.

Who joins the APDO in Indonesia?
From Thailand, the best six students (3 students each per level A1/A2) will sent to Bogor to represent Thailand. One teacher from each who will participate a workshop during the regional qualifications will accompany them in Indonesia.

When and where is the national qualification taking place?
The national qualification is taking place from the 10th until the 18th of June 2019. The participants will initially compete against each other in one of the four regional competitions.

  • 10. Juni 2019 in Bangkok (Central Thailand)
  • 12. Juni 2019 in Khon Kaen (Northeast Thailand)
  • 14. Juni 2019 in Chiang Mai (North Thailand)
  • 18. Juni 2019 in Phuket (South Thailand)
On the 20th of June, the winners of these regional competitions will compete against each other at the Finals in Bangkok.

Who can be a part of the National Qualification?
Every school offering German as a subject can nominate two participants (One student each A1 /A2 level) for the national qualification if they meet the requirements for participation. 
Registration deadline is the 24th of Mai 2019.
What is so special about the national qualifications?
Not only will the national qualifications take place in different regions but also the Munich Supercrew that consist of members of the Munich band EINSHOCH6 will play 5 concerts along with it.

EINSHOCH6 © © MunichSupercrew EINSHOCH6 © MunichSupercrew
What is so special about the band?
After more than 20 tours around the world, the Supercrew established a live program and new songs for the language level A1 and A2 but also many workshop ideas for students and teachers along with their motto: German easily learned by dancing and singing.
During the national qualifications, the Supercrew also organizes a half-day workshop for the German teachers that demonstrate the benefits of music in DaF lessons through fun and motivating exercises.

Music and language - a good team!
Whether its beatboxing, singing or dancing - music and movement increases effectively the ability of learning and improving a language. In addition, Phonetics, grammar and vocabulary can easily learned with music. Especially the exercises for the German song "Lieblingsfach" written and performed by Supercrew show how effectively music can be used in the classroom to teach the students the fun of learning.

