Netwerk Klima Environment Club

Four people standing in front of a building.
The German Education Cooperation Team of the Goethe-Institut Thailand | © Goethe-Institut

For the Network Climate project, students from six countries came to Thailand from 30 July to 6 August 2022 to work on concrete solutions for environmental problems in their country. A camp alone is not enough. In order to bring about sustainable changes in their countries, the participants of the Netzwerk Klima camp have founded the "Netzwerkklima Environmental Club".

The club continues to work on the solutions that emerged during the 2022 Youth Camp in Khao Lak and implements projects on "Environmental Protection & Sustainability" in the home country. They relate to the problems that the participants named for the pre-selection in each case.

The environment club is currently in the phase in which individual projects are implemented in the students' home countries. The first digital meeting after the youth camp in Thailand took place at the end of September 2022. One or two more meetings will follow by the end of the year. At the end of the year, the students will document their work in the field.

Ideas and campaigns

In the six countries, the students came up with some great ideas to raise awareness of sustainability among their peers, especially the people at their school.

The club members from Malaysia, for example, developed a campaign to show how schools can reduce their waste. Why is it so important to avoid litter? If everyone brings their water bottle to school every day, then there is no need to buy disposable plastic bottles. Beeswax wipes are a sustainable alternative to plastic bags. They share these and many more tips and tricks in entertaining graphics and video interviews.

In Myanmar, students are campaigning for a car-free school: In a vlog and with other initiatives, the group wants to motivate people to use public transport instead of cars to get to school. Together with the school management, the team wants to organize a car-free school day and plant trees and seeds. To this end, the teachers are calling for a joint seed collection campaign in their classes.

The students from Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam are catching up with their fellow students on Instagram: With campaigns on their own channels, which are publicized at the schools, they raise awareness of waste production and show ways to reduce waste. The Instagram channel @we_r_rubbish from Vietnam is even designed as an entertaining comic series in which a trash bag becomes the main character.
