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Funded Projects

Oussoulna3 Goethe-Institut - Tunis ©

A jury of renowned experts and experienced trainers selected nine projects from 31 applications, comprising a total of 12 participants. The projects are located mainly in the cities of Tripoli, Benghazi and Misrata. They have been carefully selected on the basis of their contribution to the protection and promotion of Libya's cultural heritage.

Here are the selected projects:

QESHLA BENGHAZI (Aziza Safur and Eman Elmazek):
‘Unlocking the Past: Qeshla Heritage Project’ in Al Barakah, Benghazi, addresses the documentation of the historic Qeshla building and proposes a detailed rehabilitation plan to contribute to its revitalization through community engagement, exhibitions and interviews.

Eco-Heritage Empowerment Camp (Mohamed Mahjoub):
Located in the Green Mountain region of Libya, the camp addresses environmental challenges and the cultural disconnection of Libyan youth through a program that focuses on environmental awareness, cultural appreciation and storytelling.

MADI: The Mediterranean Association for Data Interchange (Elbashbash Khalifa):
The collaborative project promotes cross-border access to information and resources on Libyan cultural heritage. This project involves the participation of organizations from Libya, Italy, Germany, the UK and France.

Stories from Libya (Mohamed Elmejrab):
The mobile video game initiative is designed to raise cultural awareness among children and young people under the age of 18 by providing an engaging experience through quizzes and investigative gameplay.

Libyan Film Cultural Organisation (Yousef Elgalabi):
The organization focuses on building a comprehensive archive of Libyan cinema and promoting collaboration between industry professionals.
Anttul Nno Initiative for Cultural and Economic Development (Madi Tanis and Inas Miloud): The initiative focuses on the cultural and economic development of Yefren, Libya, with an emphasis on culinary arts and textile production.

Heritage Resource Mapping (Reem Alfurjani):
This innovative project aims to record and map the communal cultural heritage of Tripoli between 1600 and 1900.

Tripoli's Little Details (Zuhair Abusurewil and Mohamed Benasheikh):
The project focuses on preserving and documenting the visual heritage of Tripoli's historic center.