
© Goethe-Institut Washington
Who wants to be a volunteer for Film|Neu 2018?
The Goethe-Institut Washington is looking for volunteers for the upcoming film festival Film|Neu 2018, showcasing the latest films from Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Opportunities include:
- Spreading information about the festival via social media
- Distributing film festival promotional material to neighborhood venues
- Assisting with the setup and management of the opening and/or closing party
- Distributing and collecting ballots for the “Audience Award” for selected screenings
Interested? Find out more at the Volunteer Meeting on Thursday, October 18, at 5:30 pm. We'll meet in the lobby of the Goethe-Institut Washington: 1990 K Street NW (Entrance on 20th Street NW, lower level), Washington, DC.
For questions, please contact Raleigh Joyner: