OPENING FILM: 3 Days in Quiberon (3 Tage in Quiberon)

© Peter Hartwig, Rohfilm Factory
Thursday, November 1, 7 pm
Germany/Austria/France, 2018, 115 min., Director/Screenplay: Emily Atef, Cast: Marie Bäumer, Birgit Minichmayr, Charly Hübner, Robert Gwisdek, Distribution: Beta Cinema
- German Film Awards 2018 (Best Film Gold, Best Director, Best Leading Actress, Best Supporting Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Best Cinematography, Best Score)
Robert Lebeck’s photographs of legendary German-French actress Romy Schneider are world-famous. They captured her contradictory nature, her exuberance, melancholy, and pain. Lebeck’s photographs accompanied the interview Schneider granted Stern magazine reporter Michael Jürgs in Quiberon in 1981. Despite her previous negative encounters with the German press, Schneider opened up to Jürgs over a three-day period in the Breton spa town to which she had retired with her close friend Hilde.
The interview and photographs form the basis for this film, which captures these three days in which Schneider bared her soul – to a breaking point. The more the actress exposes herself to Lebeck and Jürgs, the more the person behind the celebrity comes to the fore. A multi-faceted portrait emerges of a compelling actress and woman who unsparingly gives her all, yet believes she has seldom truly been seen or understood.
Emily Atef (b. 1973) was born in Berlin to French and Iranian parents. She grew up in Los Angeles and Paris, before moving to London to work in theater. In 2001, she enrolled in the German Film & Television Academy (DFFB) in Berlin. Her acclaimed films include: Molly's Way (2005), The Stranger in Me (2008), Kill Me (2011), Don't Worry, I'm Fine (TV, 2017), and 3 Days In Quiberon (2018).
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