DLL 4: Assignments, Exercises and Interaction

IKK @Goethe-Institut

Tue, 10/24/2023 -
Fri, 12/22/2023


Professional Development for German Educators

You would like to hone your teaching skills together with educators from the US, Canada and Central America? 

The innovative concept of DLL (Deutsch Lehren Lernen) puts the attention on the daily practices and challenges of the German language classroom and deals with the key players and fundamental elements of instruction. Topics such as language skills, grammar, vocabulary, phonetics, literature, classroom formats, etc. are integrated into a competence-driven teaching concept.

Format: 100 % Online (synchronous and asynchronous on learning platform Moodle) 
Length: 8 weeks 
Four online- live sessions 

Register here by October 18, 2023
