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Melanie Mello

Melanie Mello © Géza G. Schenk

I am originally from Pforzheim, Germany, and have lived in the U.S. for over 13 years. For the last ten years, I taught German as a Foreign Language at the middle school, high school, and the college level. Currently, I teach German I through IB German at Chandler High School, and German 101 and 102 as Associate Faculty for the School of International Letters and Cultures at the Arizona State University. In my roles as GAPP Coordinator, Goethe-Institut Coach, President of the Arizona Language Association, Chair of the FLACH Committee of AATG, and secretary of the Arizona Chapter of AATG I promote and support the learning and teaching of the German language and culture here in the U.S.
Having benefited from the coaching and tutelage of so many others, I decided to become a GEM as part of the Goethe-Institut’s Teacher Training Program in hopes of passing on the knowledge that was passed on to me and sharing the expertise that I have accumulated over the years of teaching students about the German-speaking world and its cultures.  
Becoming a teacher is a life-long process, a process that is communally driven. All methodological and pedagogical approaches benefit from dialogue and discussion. But staying abreast of best practices is a daunting task for teachers who often work late into the night to finish grading and to prepare lesson plans. As a GEM, I hope to help teachers refine their skills and to manage the daily challenges presented by the German classroom.