Talk/Discussion Wolfgang Bauer: Crossing the Sea - Why Refugees' Fate Concerns All Of Us

Wolfgang Bauer Photo: HeinzHeiss SV

Thu, 09/22/2016

7:00 PM

Goethe-Institut Boston

Wolfgang Bauer

Fall Discussion Series: Crossing Ideas

Award-winning journalist and Die Zeit reporter Wolfgang Bauer accompanied Syrian refugees: in their hideouts in Egypt, on the boats across the Mediterranean, on the streets of Europe. In his book Crossing the Sea: With Syrians on the Exodus to Europe, he describes the fates concealed behind the abstract figures, and the dramatic circumstances of flight. It is an exceptionally authentic document and a passionate appeal for a more humanitarian refugee policy.

Respondent: Prof. Florence George Graves, Director of The Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism at Brandeis University

Eventbrite - Wolfgang Bauer: Across the Sea. Why Refugees' Fate Concerns All Of Us

Wolfgang Bauer, born in 1970, works for the weekly newspaper DIE ZEIT. For his reportage he has been awarded the Katholischer Medienpreis and the Prix Bayeux-Calvados des Correspondants de Guerre as well as other distinctions. His book Crossing the Sea: With Syrians on the Exodus to Europe is published in English translation by And Other Stories. His most recent work Stolen Girls: Survivors of Boko Haram Tell Their Story with be released in English in 2017 by New Press.

Florence George Graves Photo: Schuster Institute Florence George Graves is founding director of The Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism at Brandeis University, the first independent investigative reporting center based at a university. Her work, which focuses on revealing abuses of government and corporate power and inequities between the powerful and the powerless, including trafficking, slavery, and other human rights abuses, has led to congressional hearings, government investigations, passage of state and federal laws, and important public and corporate policy reforms. Graves, who previously worked as an investigative reporter at the Washington Post, founded and edited the national political and investigative journal, Common Cause Magazine, whose ​many ​awards include the National Magazine Award for General Excellence.

Presented in cooperation with The Schuster Institute of Investigative Journalism at Brandeis University.
This lecture is part of the global discussion/debate series "Kritikmaschine," organized by the Goethe-Institut and Kursbuch, one of Germany's leading intellectual magazines.
