Film Streaming Kiss My Wounds

Filmstill: Wann kommst Du meine Wunden küssen? © Markus Zucker



Our monthly Goethe on Demand pick

Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Cologne—what lies outside Germany’s metropolises? “City, Country, River—A Cinematic Journey Across Germany” is a new yearlong Goethe on Demand series exploring everyday realities in less known parts of Germany, with a new film offered every month.  

Best friends Laura and Maria fell out when Maria’s great love, Jan, cheated on her with Laura. Afterward, Laura and Jan left Berlin for a lonely farm in the Black Forest, where they struggle with the realities of rural life alongside Maria’s sister, Kathi. When Kathi falls ill, Maria comes to the farm to visit, causing old repressed conflicts to erupt.

Kiss My Wounds won the Bayern 2 and SZ Audience Awards at the Munich Film Festival.

Now streaming worldwide via Goethe on Demand, for free.

Wann kommst du meine Wunden küssen
Dir. Hanna Doose
Germany, 2022
116 min.
With Bibiana Beglau, Gina Henkel, Katarina Schröter, Alexander Fehling, Godehard Giese
